Alright 24/1/2024 day 1 first training, did all the things told in website... (-2 left, -1.75 right,last appointment 1y ago) when done, my vision was better by lets say 2-5%, its so small yet noticable that little was enough to remind me of something that also helped my vision, which i was astounded when i opened my eyes and saw much better it was meditation, with focus on seeing better, i did it once long ago, also helped as much as this practice in website Then ive meditated for 15-20 minutes after this eye training, focus on seeing better opened my eyes after ive decided to check out if meditating helped i cannot explain feeling of reading something i couldnt before ive done this on the same distance without glasses that 2-5% went to 5-7%(feels like that, main point is that this helped) i will keep doing this forever and i will try to make it my almost daily routine, surely after watching this also my eyes feel sore, funny feeling litterary like muscle soreness after workout, but around and behind my eyes i will also implement looking at sunlight(not staring at sun, il just try to look at sky whenever i can for some time from now on, if theres sun i will look "around it" not directly stare at it) next update in 10 days, write reply if you wanna know if anything improved