I have kind of a really bad eye genetics running on both sides of my family, so I started wearing glasses when I was around 11-12 y.o., with -1,5 on both eyes. I was an active kid, so until 17 it only lowered to -3. But with the first year at the university, it deteriorated unbelivably fast, so by the time I was almost 19, I got -9 on my both eyes, it was catastrofic and I decided to get rid of any bad habbits, that were not good for my eyes and tried seriously doing eye exercises for a prolonged period of time. I dedicatedly did exercises for about half of the year and felt like my glasses didn't fit my eyesight anymore, I was afraid I kept losing my eyesight and needed stronger lenses, so I went to my optometrist for the unscheduled check. But both me and my doctor were shocked by the results: my eyes came down better to -7 and -6,5! My optometrist was thrilled and even offered me -5 lenses, in hopes, that it will be a stimulus for my eyes to get even better, but it was too much xD So this deffinetly works. I'm 33 years old now. I got sucked in life, work, family matters and so on and got a bit lazy to keep doing exercises deligently. I just do them from time to time. I work with the computer, sitting all day long doesn't help either. So my eyesight worsened a bit through the years, but it's kind of stable at the -8\-7,5 point. So, thank you for this reminder to start all over again and take care of myself. I'll try not to slack off and exercise every day from now on! :D